Gladiatorial Diet: 7 Nutrition Secrets of the Roman Empire

It’s time for an important question – how many times a day do you think about the Roman Empire? Roman inventions and habits can teach us a lot of interesting things, and if you’re keen on learning the intricacies of their habits and diets, you’re in luck. In this post, we’ll be talking all about the best fighters and athletes of the Roman Empire – the gladiators!

What did the gladiators eat that made them so powerful? Can we use any of the knowledge from these formidable fighters to boost our own athletic performance? Luckily, we’ve got the answers.

These athletes were vegetarians

Most people in the Roman Empire had a vegetarian diet, and it turns out that the gladiators were no different. They relied on wheat and barley and plant proteins like beans to get their protein fix 1 . This simple diet, however, was very effective, since they turned out to be great fighters.

If you’re looking to eat like a gladiator, but barley and beans don’t seem like your thing, you can consider adding other vegetarian sources of protein to your diet. Whey powder, like 100% Golden Whey is a great option – with 24 g of protein per serving and a range of delicious tastes, it’ll make every gladiator wish they had one of these during their times. Alternatively, try our new Golden 7 Protein Blend, which supplies lasting amino acids to your body for maximum muscle-building.

Another thing to think about – for optimal health, ensure to take in enough healthy fats with your meals, like omega-3s.

golden whey

Gladiators carbo-loaded

Gladiators ate lots of simple carbohydrates, which included foods like barley. This helped them get some fat under their skin, which in turn protected them from cuts and wounds and shielded nerves during a right 2 . It’s estimated that around 70-80% of their diet was made up of starches, which allowed them to get plenty of energy for their rigorous training 3 . They knew how important it was to have enough energy for their workouts and fights, and you should pay attention to that too.

Gladiatorial Diet: Nutrition Secrets of the Roman Empire

Gladiatorial Diet: Nutrition Secrets of the Roman Empire

Drinking ashes is (apparently) great for your bones

Think supplements are a recent thing? It turns out that the gladiators had a supplement of their own. According to Pliny the Elder, they mixed ashes to create a tonic-like drink which they used after their fights and training 4 . And that might have actually been the case – their levels of calcium and strontium (found in plant ashes) were really high. This means they likely used the tonic to supply extra calcium and magnesium to promote bone healing 5 .

Top lessons from Gladiatorial diets

The gladiators can really teach us a thing or two about our nutrition practices for performance. So, what are the key things we can take away from their genius?

Golden 7 Protein blend

Golden 7 Protein Blend

Gladiators serve as a great example that great performance doesn’t need complicated nutrition. Stick to whole foods, plenty of plants, and plant protein sources that are nourishing and give you plenty of energy to get on with the day. Pick meals that are easy to make and stick to, add supplements to address inadequate micronutrient intake and of course, pair it all with a great exercise routine! Here’s to more gladiator-like wins!