Declaring a Minor

Math minors need to be declared as early as possible. Students completing a major offered by the department cannot also declare a minor offered by the department.

You need to get at least a C- in each course you want to count towards completion of the minor.

At least 50% of the credits counting towards the minor need to be from Western. If you transfer in some of the courses required for the minor, then credits from math courses from Western beyond those required for the minor may replace some of the required math credits for the purposes of satisfying this rule. In other words, you need at least 18 Western math credits in total, and some of those credits may be from Western math courses you take beyond those actually required for the minor.

Each minor has a designated faculty member who will serve as your faculty advisor. Your advisor can advise you on required and acceptable courses to take and answer other relevant questions before you declare the minor. The faculty advisors are:

The Mathematics - Secondary Education Minor is a joint minor with Woodring. Your minor declaration will be reviewed by Math faculty advisor Jessica Cohen, who will connect you to an advisor in Woodring at the appropriate time.

How to Declare a Minor

  1. in Web4U, get pdf copies of your unofficial WWU transcript (called a "student record" in these instructions) and Transfer Equivalency Report (TER), if applicable, and highlight completed courses, courses you are currently enrolled in, and courses you are currently registered for, that apply to your minor. Fill out a Minor Plan of Study Worksheet.
  2. Complete Section I of the Student Academic Declaration & Change Form. In the blue box at the bottom of the form, attach the completed Minor Plan of Study Worksheet and your highlighted student record and TER pdfs. Then forward the form to by selecting Math Department Office in the drop down ‘Email to:’ box. You can track the progress of your form by checking the box labeled ‘As Submitter of this form I want to receive email notifications every time an action is taken’ before submitting; and then click ‘Submit’.
  3. The Math Department staff will receive and review your Minor Declaration form, fill out Section II, and forward the form with attachments to your faculty advisor.
  4. Your faculty advisor will review your materials and, if needed, set up a meeting to discuss your plans with you. Your advisor will note on the form in Section II any special circumstances agreed to, such as course substitutions.
  5. Once the Minor Plan of Study has been approved, your advisor will forward your Minor Declaration form to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

Please Note

It is your responsibility to confirm that your minor declaration form has reached the Registrar. Your student record will show what minor(s) you are currently signed up for, and should show your newly declared minor within a few days of submitting your form to the Department of Mathematics.

If you need to initiate a minor evaluation immediately after declaring, you may do so once your minor is displayed in your student record or your DegreeWorks record.