Use Smallpdf’s PDF Maker and convert Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or image files to PDF format in three simple steps.
Smallpdf is the Internet’s number one cloud-based PDF software. Millions of monthly users solve their digital document problems with our comprehensive online suite of tools.
Here’s how our PDF Maker works its magic
Make a PDFOur online PDF Maker can turn practically all Microsoft Office documents, such as PowerPoint, Word, or Excel, into PDFs. It also supports various image files, such as PNG, TIFF, JPG, BMP, and GIF.
Better yet, we have one umbrella tool that can handle all the formats mentioned above, the PDF Converter! This tool lets you convert files to and from PDF, regardless of their format.
The document converter on Smallpdf can convert any file to and from any of these formats, be it Word, PPT, Excel, or JPG. All you have to do is convert any of these files to PDF, then choose the format you wish to continue working with from the panel on the right side of the page.
There is so much more you can do with Smallpdf. With over 20 tools, you can simplify your document work and get things done faster. Check out some of our most popular tools here:
If you have multiple documents in different file formats, you can follow the instructions above to turn them into PDFs, one after another. To save time, you can always try batch processing with Smallpdf Pro—you can get a 7-day free trial here. Drag and drop as many files of mixed document formats as you’d like into the tool, and we’ll convert them all in one go. We’ll group all the converted files into one ZIP file for easier download. Having a Pro account will push the maximum file size of documents to a whopping 5GB.
Of course! To appease the needs of millions of monthly users, we’ve also developed an offline PDF viewer/PDF reader and a mobile app. You can view and work on your PDFs offline with the Smallpdf Desktop App, while the Smallpdf Mobile App gives you access to all your favorite PDF tools on the go. Convert to and from PDF, scan to PDF directly from your mobile device, and more.
Using our online document converter doesn’t have any special requirements. You can convert files on Mac, Windows, Linux, or any other operating system that has access to an internet connection and a browser.
Similarly, there’s no limit with regard to handheld devices either. With your internet browser, you can use the document converter on Android or iPhone to convert PDF, Word, JPG, or other formats. On the result page, you can either save them to your mobile device, export them to Google Drive or Dropbox, or even email the file to yourself or someone else.
Do you have questions, concerns, or feedback on how to improve our file creator? We’re only an email away.
Happy creating, saving, editing, and converting documents, whatever it may be!